Our Mission
Nurturing Tamil, the Classical Language enriched by its unique adjuncts: Literature, Music and Dance and especially equipping the current generation to carry forward the Tamil culture to generations to come, spread awareness of Tamil heritage and Culture to the whole World.
The Annamalai University situated in Chidambaram, Tamilnadu created history by instituting the Annamalai Canada, the first such, outside India, in 2006. This had been made possible with the dedicated initiative of Ms. Sathiyathevi Ramalingam whose laudable vision is nurturing the Tamil Language, heritage and Culture for the benefit of the current and future generations of Tamils transplanted from their ethnic roots, constituting the Tamil Diaspora.
This collaborative effort has become a reality through the Annamalai University’s Directorate of Distance Education (DDE).
The Disciplines handled by the Annamalai Canada comprises Tamil Language, Carnatic Music (Vocal and instrumental), Bharathanatyam, and Yoga. In addition, Grade Certificate Program (Grades 1 to 7) in Music, Bharathanatyam, Tamil and Yoga are also offered. With the curricula for all Disciplines provided by DDE which conducts all Examinations and issues Certificates thereto, the Tamils in the Diaspora have shown remarkable interest in availing of the study Programs offered through the Annamalai Canada which essentially serves as an Intake Facility not only for students in Canada but also authorized since 2009 to extend its DDE Programs (Music, Dance, Tamil, Yoga and Certificate programs) to all European Countries, United States, The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Thus, the Annamalai Canada has become the very first foreign entity recognized worldwide to offer Ph.D., Masters, Degree and Diploma programs through the Annamalai University’s Directorate of Distance Education.
Though the Annamalai Canada serves as an Intake Facility for students to follow and complete Programs wholly created, presented and monitored by the Annamalai University in Tamilnadu, India, instruction for Degree, Diploma and Masters Programs in Tamil and Yoga are also handled full time by Six Professors of the Annamalai Canada. Degrees and Diplomas earned are with accreditation from the parent Annamalai University and benefits thereof are therefore identical to those accruing from completion of study programs at Annamalai University in India. Introduction of Grade Certificate Programs as part of the DDE Programs handled by the Annamalai Canada, since 2012, has attracted students in large numbers, apparently showing interest at being abreast of Indian standards in Music and Dance.
While reiterating the fact that the Annamalai Canada is not profit oriented it is diligently focused on fostering higher Education that encourages and nurtures South Asian Culture for the benefit of current and future generations.
The Annamalai Canada is indeed proud to record that, in just about a decade, over a 1000 students have graduated with Degrees and Diplomas from the Annamalai University and this including Masters and Ph.D. programs too. Ms. Sathiyathevi Ramalingam’s mission of equipping the current Generation to carry forward the Tamil Culture to future Generations, spread awareness of the Tamil.

Getting Here
1240 Ellesmere Rd. Unit 101
Toronto Ontario Canada M1P 2X4
Tel: 416-777-2822

Annamalai University, one of the largest unitary, teaching, and residential universities in Southern Asia, was established and incorporated in the year 1929 as per the Annamalai University Act, 1928 (Tamil Nadu Act 1 of 1929).
Now, the Annamalai University Act, 1928 has been repealed and replaced by the Annamalai University Act, 2013 (Tamil Nadu act 20 of 2013). His Excellency the Governor of Tamil Nadu is the Chancellor of the University.
The University has, since its inception, aimed at imparting education in all fields of knowledge to thousands of students from across the country and abroad. Located in a rural setting in coastal district of Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu, the University has played a pivotal role in providing access to higher education to thousands of youth from economically and socially disadvantaged classes. In this respect, this University’s service to the nation is tremendous.
In the past 87 years the University has grown into a premier institution of higher learning and research. The University today is spread over an extensive campus of more than 800 acres and has the facilities of Arts, Science, Indian Languages, Engineering and Technology, Education, Fine Arts, Agriculture, Medicine, Dentistry and Marine Science and in all, they comprise 52 Departments of Study.
Annamalainagar is a busy and self-contained University township, east of Chidambaram town, the abode of Lord Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer. The sprawling and scenic campus enclosing the Departments of study, Students’ hostels, Staff Quarters, Playgrounds, etc., is situated at a holy place (Triuvetkalam, currently known as Annamalainagar), 2 kms from the Lord Nataraja Temple.
The Rajah Muthiah Institute of Health Sciences, comprising the Rajah Muthiah Medical College, the Rajah Muthiah Dental College and the Rani Meyammai Institute of Nursing offers various UG and PG Programs, besides serving the rural population through its modern 1260-bed hospital.
The Sir C.P. Ramaswamy Aiyar Library of the university is the third biggest in Tamil Nadu and has a collection of more than 5 lakh volumes besides journals, reports and rare palm-leaf manuscripts. It has all the modern facilities such as Internet, Microfilming, etc.
The university, being unitary and residential in character, has above 30,000 students pursuing various on campus programs of study and more than 10,000 of them are accommodated in its 19 hostels, acclaimed to be the biggest in the country.
The University plays a vital role in disseminating knowledge acquired through research to the surrounding rural areas in which it is placed and it serves the large community through its Center for Adult Education and Extension, Centre for Rural Development and Uplift of Weaker Sections, the Department of Community Medicine, Dental College, the NSS; and above all, through its Directorate of Distance Education, it takes education to the doorsteps of thousands of adult learners all over the country and abroad.
The Directorate of Distance Education established in 1979 offers different programs of study. It is credited with the largest enrollment in India and is well equipped with computer and other infrastructure, adequate teaching faculty and administrative set-up of its own study centers, information centers, computer training centers, etc., to serve its students in their best interests at their doorsteps. It has also the unique distinction of being the first in India, to offer Postgraduate Degree Programs in applied Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Bioinformatics, Computer Science and Law through Distance Education mode.
All the programs of study offered by the Directorate of Distance Education have the approval of the Distance Education Council, New Delhi. The Directorate has introduced B.Ed. Degree Program through distance education mode from the year 2008-09 with the approval of the National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi.for more information link: http://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in